Why the Tesco Toxic Towers and Homebase Horror will turn into slums

There is a video of me making the case for why the High Rise Slums will turn into slums below.

The statistics saying the poorest 8 year old die ten times more than the wealthiest children are at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7mUMnWrOu4

The article might be behind a paywall this is the part I rely below:

I obtained these stats from BHRUT at 


These child death stats below are particularly striking showing a large drop in child deaths linked to air pollution in the year following covid. As yet I cannot get the dates of death (to track with high pollution days) and full postcodes to establish if air pollution was the cause of death. However, it seems reasonable to campaign for this data to be given to a third party academic to allow a report to be made.

I am canvassing for community groups to support such an application to Great Ormond Street Hospital at the post https://stopthetescotoxictowers.blogspot.com/2023/05/briefing-on-great-ormond-street-freedom.html Should you be a member of a local group and would like to sign please get in touch. 
