Health Service Article suggests we may get child deaths data

The Health Service Journal today reports in an article by Nick Carding titled "The Download: Key data project teeters on the ‘cliff edge’" As follows

"NHSE is also responsible for establishing “Secure Data Environments”. These are the product of the Goldacre Review into how the NHS should use data for research and analysis (as opposed to direct care, which is what the FDP does).

Until recently, the NHS model was – to put it very simply – to distribute data to any researcher whose request was granted. This is the case in most countries..."

However, Nick Carding goes on to suggest that the NHS may be moving away from such open access and to only allowing approved applicants to have access. Our request for data specific to dates of death, and or hospital admission and full postcodes may be blocked. However, without such information being provided how will residents know if the air filters at polluted environments are actually working? 

The full article which may be behind a paywall is at

Our environmental regulations request is at:
