Draft of next colour newsletter


Thank you to everyone who chipped in to fund the judicial review against the Tesco Toxic Towers.
We had a UK first court case saying that a primary school should not be built by busy polluting road.
The judges made a nonsensical judgment, they said the right time to sue over the school was when the layout of the school was published. This was completely irrelevant about our argument about the best location of the school being inside the development. However, all is not lost, we have a second chance to go to court again. More on why and how inside. This is a petition to support at change.org/stoptheTescoToxicTowers

Donate to explore a new legal challenge at gofundme.com/f/stopTTT or scan

 judgments are at stopthetescotoxictowers.blogspot.com







 Many thanks to everyone who went to 10 Downing Street on 8th November 2022

Left to right Sajida Ugradar, Redbridge Independents, Andy Walker, TUSC, Ashburn Holder, Liberal Democrats, Keith Prince GLA member, Raj Forhad, Conservative, Bob Archer Redbridge Trades Union Council, RoseMary Warrington, Green Party

The primary school proposed for the development has been withdrawn (1). This means a new plan will be submitted by Weston Homes on behalf of Tesco shortly  This means another judicial review is possible. Providing we are able to reach out target, we wish to seek legal advice on two grounds.

Firstly, overdevelopment; local hospital management have said there is a shortfall of 100 beds at  King George & Queens hospitals (2). As a consequence, King George & Queen have to treat patients in corridors in busy periods(3).

We aim to explore whether Redbridge Council and the London Mayor are negligent by building so many High Rise Towers when the local hospitals cannot cope now. The January 2024 Hospital  Board Papers for Queens and King George Hospitals show the management has commissioned a report into whether long waits at A&E have contributed to unnecessary deaths (4). The constant building of new developments seems bound to make the decision worse.

Local campaigners have organised  a public meeting for a new wing for King George at Redbridge Town Hall on the 15th July 2024. The refusal by Labour to campaign for a new wing to cope with our ever increasing population will be brought to our lawyers attention as apparent negligence should we meet our funding target.

Climate change is our second ground to explore seeking advice as to whether the Government blocking a major development by Marks and Spencer on Oxford Street, in part on climate change grounds is helpful (5)

 Paul Scott says

"We should pursue a new legal challenge against this housing scheme because there will be many social and environmental problems created by building such a great amount of flats in an already highly polluted location. Also the fact that these properties are being funded by a private property development company means the units here are not going to be genuinely affordable for local residents and therefore having 1280 flats on this Tesco Goodmayes site is not going to fully address our housing demand either. Fire safety is another consideration as these planned tower blocks are  up to 23 storeys high and building safety regulations have been tightened by the GLA as a response to the Grenfell Tower disaster. A number of organisations such as Redbridge Trades Council, Community Unite Union and others will request information using the Aarhus Convention which means that we have the right to go to court without prohibitive legal costs regarding information about air pollution in respect of child deaths. As Tesco Goodmayes is a large scale development there would be years of disruption to the area during its potential construction as we have seen with the nearby Homebase scheme that local residents have been affected by as well."

N says
I am concerned about the overcrowding and pollution that will affect locals if the Goodmayes Tesco plans go ahead. There are two large schools close by, one of which my children attend, whose children will be affected by the debris, dust and increased pollution.

We are already seeing this with completed and ongoing building projects in the area. Also, this will put a strain on local services such as GP, hospital, parking and social and educational services.

Bob Archer  says:

Redbridge trades council back this campaign because food security is vital to our membership. It is alarming Tesco’s are saying that UK crop yields are dropping due to climate change. President Macron recently said climate change is fuelling terrorism.
The rapid deterioration of our environment makes High Rise the wrong choice due to high emissions during construction and maintenance when built.
 I encourage you to contribute to the Crowdfunder to explore the next legal challenge to the development and or sign the petition.  Should you be a trade unionist and wish to support the Redbridge Trades Council, then please contact me on bobarcher46@btinternet.com

Join our WhatsApp group at 

(1) New plans to be submitted for Goodmayes ‘Lorimer Village’ development
(2) Romford Recorder 13th October 2021 King George and Queen’s Hospitals face 100-bed shortfall at peak times at romfordrecorder.co.uk/news/21468964.king-george-queens-hospitals-face-100-bed-shortfall-peak-times/  
 (3) Page 92 of the BHRUT meeting November 2023 (4) Page 36 of BHRUT board papers January 2024 (5) Link to government decision at assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/64b90f082059dc00125d265b/23-07-20_DL_+_IR_456-472_OXFORD_STREET_LONDON_W1_-_3301508.pdf 



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